Source code for pysep.utils.plot

#! /usr/bin/env python3
Pysep plotting utilities
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from obspy.core.event import Catalog
from obspy.core.inventory import Inventory
from obspy.geodetics import gps2dist_azimuth, degrees2kilometers

from pysep import logger
from pysep.utils.fmt import format_event_tag

[docs] def plot_geometric_spreading(distances, max_amplitudes, geometric_spreading_factor, geometric_k_value, units="km", station_ids=None, include=None, show=False, save="geometric_spreading.png", ymax=None, **kwargs): """ Plot a scatter plot of peak amplitudes vs distance and a corresponding line representing geometric scatter. Allow ignoring stations by index. .. note:: see recsec.RecordSection._calculate_geometric_spreading() for more information on this function :type distances: list or np.array :param distances: source-receiver distance in units `units` :type max_amplitudes: list or np.array :param max_amplitudes: peak amplitudes, units irrelevant :type units: st :param units: 'km' or 'deg' for kilometers or degrees, respectively. used for the x-axis label only :type geometric_spreading_factor: float :param geometric_spreading_factor: exponent for spreading eq :type geometric_k_value: float :param geometric_k_value: constant scale factor for spreading eq :type station_ids: list or np.array :param station_ids: station ids for optional text labels :type include: list or np.array :param include: indices of stations included in equation, used for colors :type show: bool :param show: show the figure after generation :type save: str :param save: file name to save figure :type ymax: float :param ymax: set the ceiling y limit manually (incase some stations are scaled improperly which would throw off all the scaling). Also cuts off any stations above this limit and plots them differently """ dpi = kwargs.get("dpi", 100) figsize = kwargs.get("figsize", (12, 8))"plotting geometric spreading: '{save}'") f, ax = plt.subplots(1, dpi=dpi, figsize=figsize) # Convert from units deg -> km if desired if "km" in units: plot_distances = degrees2kilometers(distances) else: plot_distances = distances # Plot all stations in the list, specially mark excluded stations for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(plot_distances, max_amplitudes)): # list conversion so we can check list length as a boolean if list(include) and i not in include: ec = "r" else: ec = "k" if ymax and y >= ymax: plt.scatter(x, ymax, marker="^", edgecolor=ec, c="w", s=50) else: plt.scatter(x, y, marker="o", edgecolor=ec, c="w", s=50) # Plot station ids next to markers if given if station_ids is not None: for x, y, s in zip(plot_distances, max_amplitudes, station_ids): if ymax and y >= ymax: plt.text(x, ymax, f"{s}\n{y.max():.2E}", fontsize=8) else: plt.text(x, y, s, fontsize=8) # Need to generate the line that w-vector follows with distances in unit deg x = np.arange(1E-7, distances.max() * 1.5, 0.01) # units: deg sin_d = (np.sin(np.array(x) / (180 / np.pi))) y = geometric_k_value / (sin_d ** geometric_spreading_factor) lb = f"A(d)={geometric_k_value:.2E} / (sin d)**{geometric_spreading_factor}" # Convert w-vector x units deg -> km if desired if "km" in units: x = degrees2kilometers(x) w = plt.plot(x, y, "k--", lw=3, label=lb) # Create some legend markers m1 = plt.scatter(-1, -1, edgecolor="k", c="w", marker="o", s=50, label="Included", linestyle="None") m2 = plt.scatter(-1, -1, edgecolor="r", c="w", marker="o", s=50, label="Excluded", linestyle="None") m3 = plt.scatter(-1, -1, edgecolor="r", c="w", marker="^", s=50, label="Out of Bounds", linestyle="None") plt.legend(handles=[w[0], m1, m2, m3]) # Final touches for 'publication-ready' look plt.xlabel(f"Source-Receiver Distance ({units})") plt.ylabel("Peak Amplitude") plt.xlim([0, plot_distances.max() * 1.1]) if ymax: plt.ylim([0, ymax]) else: plt.ylim([0, max_amplitudes.max() * 1.1]) # One last check for plot aesthetic, degrees vs km. if "km" in units: xtick_minor = 10 xtick_major = 100 else: # degrees xtick_minor = 0.5 xtick_major = 1 set_plot_aesthetic(ax=ax, xtick_fontsize=12, ytick_fontsize=12, title_fontsize=13, xlabel_fontsize=13, ylabel_fontsize=13, xtick_minor=xtick_minor, xtick_major=xtick_major) plt.grid(visible=True, which="both", axis="y", alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if save: plt.savefig(save) if show:
[docs] def plot_source_receiver_map(inv, event, subset=None, save="./station_map.png", projection=None, show=False): """ Simple utility to plot station and event on a single map with Cartopy :type event: obspy.core.event.Event :param event: event to get location from :type inv: obspy.core.inventory.Inventory :param inv: inventory to get locatiosn from :type subset: list of str :param subset: allow subsetting stations in the Inventory. Station IDs should match the format output by function `obspy.trace.Trace.get_id()`, that is, NN.SSS.LL.CCC (Network, Station, Location, Channel). Location and channel information are not used during subsetting. :type save: str :param save: filename to save station map, defaults: ./station_map.png :type projection: str :param projection: map projection, 'local, 'ortho', 'global' or None. If None, will be determined based on largest src-rcv distance :type show: bool :param show: show the figure in the GUI """ # Subset the Inventory to only plot certain stations (optional) if subset: netstas = [] inv_subset = Inventory() for sta_id in subset: net, sta, *_ = sta_id.split(".") # Assuming NN.SSS should be unique across all networks netsta = f"{net}.{sta}" if netsta not in netstas: inv_subset +=, station=sta) netstas.append(netsta) inv = inv_subset # Calculate the maximum source receiver distance to determine what # projection we should be in if projection is None: dists = [] event_latitude = event.preferred_origin().latitude event_longitude = event.preferred_origin().longitude for net in inv: for sta in net: dist_m, _, _ = gps2dist_azimuth(lat1=event_latitude, lon1=event_longitude, lat2=sta.latitude, lon2=sta.longitude ) dists.append(dist_m * 1E-3) if max(dists) < 5000: # km projection = "local" elif max(dists) < 10000: # ~ < circumference of Earth / 4 projection = "ortho" else: projection = "global" logger.debug(f"setting projection {projection} due to max src-rcv " f"distance of {max(dists)}km") # Use ObsPy's internal Cartopy calls to plot event and stations # temporarily change the size of all text objects to get text labels small # and make the event size a bit smaller with plt.rc_context({"font.size": 6, "lines.markersize": 4}): Catalog(events=[event]).plot(projection=projection, resolution="i", method="cartopy", label=None, show=False, title="") inv.plot(label=True, show=False, size=12, color="g", method="cartopy", fig=plt.gcf()) # Do some post-plot editing of the figure ax = plt.gca() # Get the extent all points plotted to resize the figure in local # since the original bounds will be confined to a small reigon around the # event if projection == "local": lats, lons = [], [] for net in inv: for sta in net: lats.append(sta.latitude) lons.append(sta.longitude) lats.append(event.preferred_origin().latitude) lons.append(event.preferred_origin().longitude) lats = np.array(lats) lons = np.array(lons) # Copied verbatim from obspy.imaging.maps.plot_map(), find aspect ratio # based on the points plotted. Need to re-do this operation since we # have both event and stations if min(lons) < -150 and max(lons) > 150: max_lons = max(np.array(lons) % 360) min_lons = min(np.array(lons) % 360) else: max_lons = max(lons) min_lons = min(lons) lat_0 = max(lats) / 2. + min(lats) / 2. lon_0 = max_lons / 2. + min_lons / 2. if lon_0 > 180: lon_0 -= 360 deg2m_lat = 2 * np.pi * 6371 * 1000 / 360 deg2m_lon = deg2m_lat * np.cos(lat_0 / 180 * np.pi) if len(lats) > 1: height = (max(lats) - min(lats)) * deg2m_lat width = (max_lons - min_lons) * deg2m_lon margin = 0.2 * (width + height) height += margin width += margin else: height = 2.0 * deg2m_lat width = 5.0 * deg2m_lon # Do intelligent aspect calculation for local projection to adjust to # figure dimensions w, h = plt.gcf().get_size_inches() aspect = w / h if width / height < aspect: width = height * aspect else: height = width / aspect # We are ASSUMING that the event is located at the center of the figure # (0, 0), which it should be since we plotted it first x0, y0 = 0, 0 # modified from ObsPy function ax.set_xlim(x0 - width / 2, x0 + width / 2) ax.set_ylim(y0 - height / 2, y0 + height / 2) # Hijack the ObsPy plot and make some adjustments to make it look nicer gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False, linewidth=.25, alpha=.25, color="k") gl.top_labels = False gl.right_labels = False gl.xlabel_style = {"rotation": 0} ax.spines["geo"].set_linewidth(1.5) title = (f"{format_event_tag(event)}\n" f"NSTA: {len(inv.get_contents()['stations'])} // ") # Event may not have have depth or magnitude information, don't let that # break the plotting function if hasattr(event.preferred_origin(), "depth"): title += f"DEPTH: {event.preferred_origin().depth * 1E-3}km // " if hasattr(event.preferred_magnitude(), "mag"): title += (f"{event.preferred_magnitude().magnitude_type} " f"{event.preferred_magnitude().mag}") ax.set_title(title) if save: plt.savefig(save) if show: else: plt.close()
[docs] def set_plot_aesthetic( ax, ytick_fontsize=8., xtick_fontsize=12., tick_linewidth=1.5, tick_length=5., tick_direction="in", xlabel_fontsize=10., ylabel_fontsize=10., axis_linewidth=2., spine_zorder=8, spine_top=True, spine_bot=True, spine_left=True, spine_right=True, title_fontsize=10., xtick_minor=None, xtick_major=None, ytick_minor=None, ytick_major=None, xgrid_major=True, xgrid_minor=True, ygrid_major=True, ygrid_minor=True, **kwargs): """ Give a nice look to the output figure by creating thick borders on the axis, adjusting fontsize etc. All plot aesthetics should be placed here so it's easiest to find. :type ax: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot :param ax: matplotlib axis figure to set plot aesthetic for :type ytick_fontsize: float :param ytick_fontsize: fontsize for labels next to Y-axis ticks :type xtick_fontsize: float :param xtick_fontsize: fontsize for labels next to X-axis ticks :type tick_linewidth: float :param tick_linewidth: thickness of tick marks for both X and Y axes :type tick_length: float :param tick_length: length of tick marks for both X and Y axes :type tick_direction: str :param tick_direction: 'in' for ticks pointing inwards, 'out' for ticks pointing outwards :type xlabel_fontsize: float :param xlabel_fontsize: font size for the X-axis main label (e.g., Time) :type ylabel_fontsize: float :param ylabel_fontsize: font size for the Y-axis main label (e.g., Ampli) :type axis_linewidth: float :param axis_linewidth: line thickness for the borders of the figure :type spine_zorder: int :param spine_zorder: Z order (visibility) of the axis borders (spines) :type spine_top: bool :param spine_top: toggle on/off the top axis border :type spine_bot: bool :param spine_bot: toggle on/off the bottom axis border :type spine_left: bool :param spine_left: toggle on/off the left axis border :type spine_right: bool :param spine_right: toggle on/off the right axis border :type title_fontsize: float :param title_fontsize: font size of the main title at the top of the figure :type xtick_minor: float :param xtick_minor: how often minor tick marks are drawn on X axis :type xtick_major: float :param xtick_major: how often major tick marks are drawn on X axis :type ytick_minor: float :param xtick_minor: how often minor tick marks are drawn on Y axis :type ytick_major: float :param ytick_major: how often major tick marks are drawn on Y axis :type xgrid_minor: bool :param xgrid_minor: turn on grid lines for each minor X tick :type xgrid_major: bool :param xgrid_major: turn on grid lines for each major X tick :type ygrid_minor: bool :param ygrid_minor: turn on grid lines for each minor Y tick :type ygrid_major: bool :param ygrid_major: turn on grid lines for each minor Y tick :rtype: matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot :return: input axis with aesthetic changed """ ax.title.set_fontsize(title_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="both", which="both", width=tick_linewidth, direction=tick_direction, length=tick_length) ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelsize=xtick_fontsize) ax.tick_params(axis="y", labelsize=ytick_fontsize) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(xlabel_fontsize) ax.yaxis.label.set_size(ylabel_fontsize) # Thicken up the bounding axis lines for axis, flag in zip(["top", "bottom", "left", "right"], [spine_top, spine_bot, spine_left, spine_right]): # Deal with the case where command line users are inputting strings if isinstance(flag, str): flag = bool(flag.capitalize() == "True") ax.spines[axis].set_visible(flag) ax.spines[axis].set_linewidth(axis_linewidth) # Set spines above azimuth bins for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_zorder(spine_zorder) # Set xtick label major and minor which is assumed to be a time series if xtick_major: ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(float(xtick_major))) if xtick_minor: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(float(xtick_minor))) if ytick_minor: ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(float(ytick_major))) if ytick_major: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(float(ytick_minor))) if xgrid_major: plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", axis="x", alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if xgrid_minor: plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", axis="x", alpha=0.2, linewidth=.5) if ygrid_major: plt.grid(visible=True, which="major", axis="y", alpha=0.5, linewidth=1) if ygrid_minor: plt.grid(visible=True, which="minor", axis="y", alpha=0.2, linewidth=.5) return ax