Source code for pysep.utils.fmt

Pysep-specific formatting functions
from obspy import Catalog, UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.iris import Client

[docs] def channel_code(dt): """ Specfem outputs seismograms with channel band codes set by IRIS. Instrument codes are always X for synthetics, but band code will vary with the sampling rate of the data, return the correct code given a sampling rate. Taken from Appenix B of the Specfem3D cartesian manual (June 15, 2018) :type dt: float :param dt: sampling rate of the data in seconds :rtype: str :return: band code as specified by Iris :raises KeyError: when dt is specified incorrectly """ if dt >= 1: return "L" # long period elif 0.1 < dt < 1: return "M" # mid period elif 0.0125 < dt <= 0.1: return "B" # broad band elif 0.001 <= dt <= 0.0125: return "H" # high broad band elif 0.004 <= dt < 0.001: return "C" elif 0.001 <= dt < 0.0002: return "F" else: raise KeyError("Channel code does not exist for this value of 'dt'")
[docs] def get_codes(st=None, choice=None, suffix=None, up_to=True): """ Get station codes from the internal stream attribute, where station codes are formatted NN.SSS.LL.CCc where N=network, S=station, L=location, C=channel, and c=component :type st: :param st: Stream to get codes from by running: tr.get_id() :type choice: str :param choice: choice of the part of the code returned, available: * 'network': return unique network codes (e.g., NN) * 'station': return unique network + station codes (e.g., NN.SSS) * 'location': return up to location (e.g., NN.SSS.LL) * 'channel': return up to channel, no component (e.g., NN.SSS.LL.CC) * else: return full station code (e.g., NN.SSS.LL.CCc) :type suffix: str :param suffix: append a string `suffix` to the end of each code. Used to place wildcards at the end of a code, e.g., `suffix`=='?' with `choice`=='channel' will give codes like NN.SSS.LL.CC? :type up_to: bool :param up_to: if True gives code up to the `choice`, e.g., `choice`=='station' would return NN.SSS. If False, returns only `choice` code, so e.g., SSS for `choice`=='station' :rtype: list :return: unique station codes filtered by choice """ full_codes = [tr.get_id() for tr in st] if choice == "network": codes = [code.split(".")[0] for code in full_codes] elif choice == "station": if up_to: codes = [".".join(code.split(".")[:2]) for code in full_codes] else: codes = [code.split(".")[1] for code in full_codes] elif choice == "location": if up_to: codes = [".".join(code.split(".")[:3]) for code in full_codes] else: codes = [code.split(".")[2] for code in full_codes] elif choice == "channel": if up_to: codes = [code[:-1] for code in full_codes] else: codes = [code[-1] for code in full_codes] else: codes = full_codes if suffix is not None: codes = [f"{code}{suffix}" for code in codes] return sorted(list(set(codes)))
[docs] def get_data_availability(cat, inv): """ Determine data availability based on whether stations are 'on' for a given event origin time. Does not check waveforms, only station metadata, so not foolproof. :type cat: obspy.core.catalog.Catalog :param cat: Catalog of events to consider. Events must include origin information `latitude` and `longitude` :type inv: obspy.core.inventory.Inventory :param inv: Inventory of stations to consider :rtype: dict :return: keys are event resource ids and values are IDs for stations that were on during the event origin time """ # Collect install and removal (if applicaple) for all stations station_times = {} for net in inv: for sta in net: if sta.end_date is None: sta.end_date = UTCDateTime() # set to right now station_times[f"{net.code}.{sta.code}"] = (sta.start_date, sta.end_date) # Check event origin time against station uptime data_avail = {} for event in cat: data_avail[] = [] for sta, time in station_times.items(): start_date, end_date = time # Check that event origin time falls between start and end date if start_date <= event.preferred_origin().time <= end_date: data_avail[].append(sta) return data_avail
[docs] def format_event_tag(event): """ Generate a unique event tag based on event origin time and location using Flinn Engdahl regions :type event: obspy.core.event.Event :param event: event to generate tag from :rtype: str :return: event_name + FE region """ event_lat = event.preferred_origin().latitude event_lon = event.preferred_origin().longitude client = Client() region = client.flinnengdahl(lat=event_lat, lon=event_lon, rtype="region") # e.g. NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND > NORTH_ISLAND_NEW_ZEALAND region = region.replace(" ", "_").replace(",", "").upper() # Presumed to be event name specified by origintime, e..g, 20090407T201255 event_time = event.preferred_origin().time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S") return f"{event_time}_{region}"
[docs] def format_event_tag_legacy(event): """ Generate a unique event tag based on the event time. This was how the previous version of PySEP named directories and files. Replaces the old `otime2eid` from `util_helpers` :type event: obspy.core.event.Event :param event: event to generate tag from :rtype: str :return: event_name specified by event time """ return event.preferred_origin().time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f")[:-3]
[docs] def index_cat(cat, idxs): """ ObsPy Catalog does not allow indexing by a list of values (e.g., cat[0, 1, 3]) so this convenience function takes care of that by forming a new catalog of events chosen by indices :type idxs: list of int :param idxs: list of indices to index catalog by :type cat: obspy.core.catalog.Catalog :param cat: Catalog to index. If not given defaults to internal Cat """ cat_out = Catalog() for idx in idxs: cat_out.append(cat[idx]) return cat_out