Source code for pysep.utils.fetch

Grab information from external webservices or databases
import os
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
from obspy.taup.taup_create import build_taup_model
from obspy.geodetics import kilometer2degrees, gps2dist_azimuth

from pysep import logger

[docs] def get_taup_arrivals(st=None, event=None, inv=None, phase_list=("ttall",), model="ak135", network=None, station=None): """ Retrieve phase arrival times using TauP/TauPy based on event and station locations, either using SAC headers or using event and inventory metadata. .. note:: Requires EITHER `st` with appropriate SAC headers OR `event` and `inv` defining event and station locations. Available model names can be found here: OR internally at: pysep/pysep/data/taup_models :type st: :param st: Stream with appended SAC headers which will be used to gather TaupP arrivals from a given `model` :type event: obspy.core.event.Event :param event: Event object to get location from :type inv: obspy.core.inventory.Inventory :param inv: inventory object to get locations from :type phase_list: list of str :param phase_list: phases to search TauP for. Defaults to 'ttall', which is ObsPy's default for getting all phase arrivals :type model: str :param model: Model to query TauP with. Looks at ObsPy and PySEP models :type network: str :param network: query only a specific network :type station: str :param station: query only a specific station :rtype: dict :return: a dictionary where keys are trace ID consisting of network and station (NN.SSS), and values are TauP Arrivals() instances which contain information about phase arrivals """ if st is not None: logger.debug(f"using SAC headers to fetch phase arrivals '{phase_list}'" f"from model '{model}'") else: assert(event is not None and inv is not None), ( f"`get_taup_arrivals` requires `st` w/ SAC headers OR `event` and " f"`inv` defining event and stations." ) logger.debug(f"using event and station metadata to fetch phase " f"arrivals '{phase_list}' from model '{model}'") phase_dict = {} taup_model = _get_or_build_taup_model(model) taup_func = taup_model.get_travel_times # OPTION 1: Retrieve event and station metadata from SAC headers if st is not None: for tr in st: # Allow selecting for specific networks and stations net, sta, *_ = tr.get_id().split(".") trace_id = f"{net}.{sta}" if network and net != network: continue if station and sta != station: continue sac_header = tr.stats.sac if "evdp" not in sac_header or "gcarc" not in sac_header: logger.debug(f"skip {tr.get_id()} phase arr., no 'evdp' or " f"'gcarc") continue depth_km = sac_header["evdp"] # units: km dist_deg = sac_header["gcarc"] while True: try: arrivals = taup_func(source_depth_in_km=depth_km, distance_in_degree=dist_deg, phase_list=phase_list) if not arrivals: logger.debug(f"no TauP arrivals for model {model} and " f"phases: {phase_list}") phase_dict[trace_id] = arrivals break # This will through a ValueError for invalid phase names except ValueError as e: # Assuming that the error message lists the phase name last logger.warning(f"'{e}' invalid phase name, removing from " f"phase list") del_phase = str(e).split(" ")[-1] phase_list.remove(del_phase) pass # OPTION 2: Retrieve event and station metadata from metadata objects else: for net in, station=station): for sta in net: code = f"{net.code}.{sta.code}" dist_m, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth( lat1=event.preferred_origin().latitude, lon1=event.preferred_origin().longitude, lat2=sta.latitude, lon2=sta.longitude ) dist_km = dist_m / 1E3 dist_deg = kilometer2degrees(dist_km, radius=6371) depth_km = event.preferred_origin().depth / 1E3 # units: m -> km while True: try: arrivals = taup_func(source_depth_in_km=depth_km, distance_in_degree=dist_deg, phase_list=phase_list) phase_dict[code] = arrivals break # This will through a ValueError for invalid phase names except ValueError as e: # Assuming that the error message lists phase name last logger.warning(f"'{e}' invalid phase name, removing " f"from phase list") del_phase = str(e).split(" ")[-1] phase_list.remove(del_phase) pass return phase_dict
[docs] def _get_or_build_taup_model(model): """ Attempts to retrieve a TauP model from the internal ObsPy directory. If nothing is found, will attempt to search the internal PySEP taup_model data directory for matching velocity models which can be built :type model: str :param model: name of model to search for :rtype: obspy.taup.TauPyModel :return: model matching model name :raises FileNotfoundError: If no matching file is found """ try: taup_model = TauPyModel(model=model) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.debug(f"TauP model {model} not found in ObsPy, searching PySEP") # Try to build TauP model from internally stored data. Pathing relative # to this file pysep_dir = Path(__file__).absolute().parent.parent # ObsPy expects model files with extension: 'tvel' or 'nd' taup_model_glob = os.path.join(pysep_dir, "data", "taup_models", "*.{}") taup_model_files = glob(taup_model_glob.format("tvel")) taup_model_files.append(taup_model_glob.format("nd")) # Get the base model names, e.g., 'ak_scak' model_names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(_))[0] for _ in taup_model_files] if model in model_names:"matching model found {model}, building TauP model") model_file = taup_model_files[model_names.index(model)] build_taup_model(model_file) taup_model = TauPyModel(model=model) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"TauP model {model} not found within " f"ObsPy or PySEP: {e}") return taup_model